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Creating Pairs

The basic unit of compound data types in Scheme is the pair, an item with two values. Pairs are used very often as properties for graphical score items in LilyPond, so everybody should be familiar with seeing and entering them:

  \override Beam.positions = #'(2 . 5)
  \once \override DynamicText.extra-offset = #'(-2 . 4)
  c'8 \p b a b

{% image caption="Pairs as overrides", href="assets/images/pairs-fullsize.png" %} /assets/images/pairs-small.png {% endimage %}

Writing Pairs as Literals

In this example the positions property of the beam and the extra-offset of the dynamics have been deliberately changed using pairs. In Scheme a pair as a literal value is written as two arbitrary values, enclosed in parens and separated by a dot. The parens are prepended with the ' single quote, and in order to tell the parser to interpret the following as Scheme the whole expression is prepended with the # hash. When entering pairs like this - as literal values - there are a few things one should be really clear about.

Pairs are not limited to numbers - as in the previous example - but can hold any type of data. It doesn't matter whether there is whitespace between the parens and the values, but it is important that the separating dot is surrounded by whitespace because otherwise the results will be unexpected:

guile> '(2 . 3.2)
(2 . 3.2)

guile> '(red . "hello")
(red . "hello")

The first example is a pair consisting of an integer and a real number, the second of a symbol and a string. This is something one could stumble over: a few chapters earlier we have seen that red in LilyPond refers to a variable of type color? and evaluates to a list with three elements. So shouldn't that somehow be reflected here as well?

The secret lies in the leading single quote '. This “quotes” the following expression and prevents Scheme from evaluating the enclosed elements, instead they are taken literally. We have touched this already when discussing symbols but we will cover the concept of quoting in depth in a dedicated chapter.

guile> '( 1 . 3/4     )
(1 . 3/4)

guile> '(apple .2)
(apple 0.2)

guile> '(1. 3)
(1.0 3)

guile> '(red. 4)
(red. 4)

The first of these examples shows that spaces between the parens and the values are silently ignored. But the other three examples produce unexpected results in so far as when the whitespace around the dot is missing this is interpreted as belonging to one of the values. .2 is implicitly completed to 0.2, 1. to 1.0 (thus converting an integer to a real number), and in case of the symbol the dot simply becomes part of that symbol red.. It is important to note that there is no additional dot left in the resulting expression: Scheme has created a list now instead of a pair. We leave this distinction for now and will get back to it in the next chapter.

Explicitly Creating Pairs

Directly writing literal pairs is not the only way to create them, in fact it is a shorthand that can be used instead of the “proper” way. Instead pairs can also be created using the procedure cons:

guile> (cons 1 3/4)
(1 . 3/4)

guile> (cons "Hi" 2.0)
("Hi" . 2.0)

guile> (cons red 5)
((1.0 0.0 0.0) . 5)

guile> (cons 1 2 3)
ERROR: Wrong number of arguments to #<primitive-procedure cons>
ABORT: (wrong-number-of-args)

cons is a procedure that is applied to two elements and evaluates to the pair consisting of these two elements. It is an error to provide a different number of elements than two, as can be seen in the last example.

Now when looking at the third example you can see that this time red is actually evaluated and the first element of the pair is the list we already know as the value of red. When creating a pair using cons the elements can really have arbitrary types. You can even call procedures, as in the following example that calls the procedure random returning a psudo-random real number:

guile> (cons (random 10.0) 4)
(5.2 . 4)

Here we use the expression (random 10.0) that applies the random procedure to the value 10.0, in this case returning the random number 5.2.

guile> (cons random 10.0)
(#<primitive-procedure random> . 10.0)

This time we passed the “naked” random procedure to cons. It is not invoked but rather stored in the pair as a procedure. Admittedly this is already a somewhat advanced usage but can come in pretty handy, and we want to present examples of the different ways pairs can handle literals, procedures and evaluated procedure applications. Hoping it will help with providing the whole picture we will close this off with a final example:

guile> (cons 'random 10.0)
(random . 10.0)

As we have seen earlier it is possible to “quote” symbols to prevent their evaluation to something extranous (a procedure in this case), so here we used random as a symbol to store it in the first element of the pair.

Closing Thoughts

This chapter started with a familiar example of pair usage in LilyPond, followed by a dissection of how pairs can be created in Scheme. Having read through to here you should by now be aware that the overrides from the example expect "a pair", but not necessarily this familiar way of writing them. In fact you can supply anything that properly evaluates to a pair of numbers, even procedures that calculate the overrides on-the-fly. To show that this is true we close this chapter with an example where both the beam positions and the extra-offset of the dynamics is determined by the random procedure. (It has to be noted that this is only pseudo random and will look identical for every subsequent compilation.)

  \override Beam.positions = #(cons (random 5.0) (random 5.0))
  \once \override DynamicText.extra-offset = #(cons (random 5.0) (random 5.0))
  c'8 \p b a b

{% image caption="Random pairs as overrides", href="assets/images/pairs-random-fullsize.png" %} /assets/images/pairs-random-small.png {% endimage %}

Last update: November 3, 2022