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OK, we have seen the quoted and the explicit syntax to create lists and pairs, the difference being that in the list approach the elements are evaluated:

guile> '(red random 1)
(red random 1)

(list red random 1)
((1.0 0.0 0.0) #<primitive-procedure random> 1)

But quite often one needs a list where some elements are taken literally while others should be evaluated. Consider the previous example and imagine that with random we don't want to refer to the procedure of that name, but instead read it as, say, an option name, e.g. one out of a list of 'random, 'sorted and 'weighted.

The most straightforward approach would be to create the list using list and individually quote the element that needs it:

guile> (list red (quote random) 1)
((1.0 0.0 0.0) random 1)
guile> (list red 'random 1)
((1.0 0.0 0.0) random 1)

But Scheme offers an alternative approach for this that you will encounter quite often:


In addition to quote Scheme has the procedure quasiquote. On first sight it does the same as quote, namely it quotes an object. As with quote there is also a shorthand notation available that is usually used in input files, the backtick `.

guile> (quasiquote (red random 1))
(red random 1)

guile> `(red random 1)
(red random 1)

So here the list elements are quoted as well. The difference is that with quasiquote it is possible to unquote individual elements within the object.


Unquoting an element, that is, forcing this specific element to be evaluated, is achieved using unquote or its shorthand notation, the comma:

guile> (quasiquote ((unquote red) random 1))
((1.0 0.0 0.0) random 1)

guile> `(,red random 1)
((1.0 0.0 0.0) random 1)

In this example we have (quasi)quoted the expression as a whole but explicitly unquoted the red element. You can see that red is evaluated while random is read as a name.

Note that I have used the written and shorthand notations consistently within each expression, but that is not necessary, the shorthand forms can freely be mixed with the verbal ones, like e.g. (quasiquote (,red random 1)).

Unquoting a List

When unquoting an element that happens to be a list this list is inserted into the surrounding list as a single item, such as

guile> `(1 2 ,(list 3 4) 5)
(1 2 (3 4) 5)

However, there are many occasions where you will want the individual items of that list to be inserted in the resulting list. This can be achieved with the unquote-splicing syntax or its shorthand “comma-at” ,@:

guile> `(1 2 ,@(list 3 4) 5)
(1 2 3 4 5)

To be more concrete, in a quasiquoted expression unquote-splicing takes any Scheme expression that evaluates to a list and inserts the elements individually in the surrounding list.

Nesting quasiquote Levels

It is possible to nest multiple levels of quoting and unquoting, but we won't discuss this in more detail as it is not regularly used in LilyPond. But you may want to keep that fact in mind, in case you encounter a complicated quoted expression and unquoting doesn't seem to do its job.

Last update: November 3, 2022